Cubans in the UK reject escalation of Trump's sanctions against Cuba

Letter sent to Christopher Pincher MP

cuba crisis combustibles
Electric Motorcycle Club gives a lift to passengers waiting for busses in Havana.

The Rt. Hon Christopher Pincher MP
Minister of State for Europe and the Americas
Office of Christopher Pincher MP
The Whitehouse, 93 Lichfield Street
Tamworth , B79 7QF

1 November 2019

Dear Rt Hon Christopher Pincher MP

For almost 60 years we Cubans have suffered the effects of sanctions by the United States, sanctions known as an embargo or blockade. The damages accumulated during almost six decades of the application of this policy have reached the figure of $922.6 billion.

The current administration of President Donald Trump has tightened the blockade against Cuba.

This year, 2019, announcements and enforcement of new sanctions against Cuba have escalated; these are allegedly aimed at the government and the Communist Party. The facts show that the blockade continues to cause serious problems for the economy and the Cuban people.

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José Daniel Ferrer: Prisoner for gang member and camorrist

ferrermarco rubio1
Senator Marco Rubio and José Daniel Ferrer

English version by Miriam Palacios. Original article by M. H. Lagarde, published in his blog Cambios en Cuba

For several days, the Miami anti-Cuban mafia (represented by Marco Rubio and Mario Díaz-Balart), the American Embassy in Havana, the US State Department and his OAS’ henchman, Luis Almagro, have been distorting the reasons why José Daniel Ferrer has been imprisoned, alleging in their persistent defamation against Cuba, that he was arrested for been a "political opponent".

Although his defenders try to present the facts as another "violation of human rights" by the "regime," the self-proclaimed leader of the counter-revolutionary organization Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), has been in prison since October 1th, precisely not for political reasons but for his repeated offences (or recidivist acts) as a camorrist and a gang member.

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The American Blockade On Cuba, Indeed A Mistake

cuba articulo bloqueo
Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel on national television

I have just received this email in my inbox related to a product I intend to receive in Europe and eventually transport to my family house in Havana:

‘The very knowledge that we are aware of [the] destination being Cuba disallows us from proceeding further.
‘Any subsidiary company of the US parent company is held to the same rules. So even though your products may come from Picardie (France), they are held to the same standard. 
‘Kindly excuse us from quoting.
‘Kind regards
Sales Department

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Scottish National Party MP Carol Monaghan opposes the US blockade of Cuba

unblock cuba

Scottish National Party MP Carol Monaghan has replied to a letter from Cubans in the UK demanding that the British government oppose the implementation of Title III of the United State’s legislation, the Helms-Burton Act of 1996, which enables US courts to enact legal claims against third parties dealing with Cuban entities. Below we publish Monaghan’s response.  

House of Common
London, SW1A OAA

Mr Daniesky Acosta

23 July 2019

Dear Mr Acosta,

Thank you for your email and letter concerning sanctions by the USA against Cuba.

It is a disappointing step backwards that President Trump has tightened sanctions and restrictions on Cuba that were relaxed under Barack Obama's Presidency. Of particular concern are the extraterritorial aspect of these sanctions, which are forbidden under international law.

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British MP Karen Lee opposes the US blockade of Cuba

cuba photo

On 1 July 2019, Cubans in the UK wrote to MP Karen Lee, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cuba, to demand that the British government oppose the implementation of Title III of the United State’s legislation, the Helms-Burton Act of 1996, which enables US courts to enact legal claims against third parties dealing with Cuban entities. This jeopardises all British interests in Cuba, and affects Cubans in Britain. Below we publish Lee’s response.  

Karen Lee MP

House Of Common
London, SW1A OAA

Dear Mr Acosta,

Thank you for your letter of 1st July regarding the US Blockade on Cuba.

The UK has long opposed the US embargo on Cuba and Karen shares your concerns about the US Administrations intensification of the blockade by ending the suspension on the Title Ill of the Helms-Burton Act on May 2nd 2019.

I am also aware that every president, Democrat and Republican, has waived this part of the Act on a six-monthly basis since it was passed in 1996. I am extremely concerned that the implementation of Title Ill represents an act of economic warfare in an attempt to worsen relations between the two countries.

Prior to the implementation of Title Ill, I raised my concerns with the International Trade Department and Foreign and Commonwealth Office. I specifically referenced the negative effect the legislation will have on thousands of European Companies who trade with Cuba and the restrictions it places on Cuba's export market.

I was reassured by the responding minister, Alan Duncan MP, who asserted that the government views the embargo's extraterritorial effects as illegal and that UK and EU businesses should not abide by it. The UK government has raised its concerns via the UK's Washington Embassy and the US's London Embassy, as well as in coordination with the European Union. The UK Government has committed to continuing to call on the US to reapply the waiver of Title Ill in accordance with the 1998 EU-US Memorandum of Understanding.

As Chair of the APPG on Cuba, I will continue to vigilantly monitor developments and actions taken by the UK and US governments. I work closely with the Cuban Embassy in London and the Cuba Solidarity Campaign and rest assured that I will continue to oppose the implementation of Title Ill and lobby the government to ensure the UK maintains its obligations under international law.

Please let me know if you would like to discuss any of these issues further.

Kind regards,
Karen Lee MP

Constituency Office, Grafton House, 32 Newland, Lincoln LN1
Tel: 01522 420067

karen lee

Alexander Abreu & Havana d'Primera Live in Edinburgh

Alexander Abreu Havana dPrimera Live in Edinburgh


Havana D'Primera is a Cuban Timba band founded by Alexander Abreu in 2008. The band was founded by a collection of musicians from the Cuban music scene with totalling 17 members. Since their inception they have gone on to find international success. Bandleader and chief songwriter Abreu, a Latin Grammy Award-winning artist, has been noted for his highly sophisticated melodic voice and as a skilled instrumentalist who has made a career out of fusing rhythms across salsa, jazz, funk and Afro-Cuban.

Since their foundation the band have gone on to release four studio albums. Following the release of their debut album Haciendo Historia in 2011, their 2012 release Pasaporte was met with favourable reviews from the international press and was voted one of the top Latin alternative albums of the year by NPR listeners.

They followed the success of Pasaporte with La Vuelta al Mundo in 2015, which went on to benominated for 'Best Salsa Album' at the Latin Grammys in 2015. A live album, Haciendo Historia Live, arrived the following year before their most recent record Cantor del Pueblo in early 2018. Later that year the band received their second Latin Grammy nomination for 'Best Salsa Album’.

Haciendo Historia (2011)
Passaporte (2013)
La Vuelta al Mundo (2015)
Cantor del Pueblo (2018)



SUNDAY 23rd JUNE 2019
20:00 - Doors open to the Public
20:00 - 20:30 DJs on the decks
20:30 - 22.00 Alexander Abreu & Havana d Primera Live
22:00 - 00:00 DJs on the decks Party!!!
00:00 - Doors Close



9c Victoria St
Edinburgh EH1 2HE


£25 - Advance Ticket


10 ticket 10% Discount


More Information Call Text/WhatsApp 07857 125 390



“Tres Dias” song from “Cantor del Pueblo” Album has more than 11Millions of reproductions on youtube

Tres Dias

Medicen Cuba

Que Sorpresa

La Bailarina


Belleza Latina

Feat Issac Delgado - Comentarios



For further Information Call/ Text/ WhatsApp 07857 125 390 or visit to buy your tickets

Presented by: Havana to Londres Ltd.

Thank you very much for your kind donation!

cuba donation

Thank you to everyone who donated via Cubanos en UK for those affected by the tornado that hit Havana on 27 January. A total of £660 was collected and has been transferred to the bank account set up by the Cuban government to receive donations from abroad. The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Investment, which is in charge of coordinating international aid, has confirmed receipt of the donation. They have replied to say: 'receive our deep gratitude for your solidarity gesture'.

Gracias a todas las personas que donaron a travez de Cubanos en UK a los dagnificados por el tornado que azoto la Habana el pasado 27 de enero. Se recaudo un total de £660 y el dinero ya ha sido transferido a la cuenta oficial habilitada por el gobierno cubano para recibir daciones desde el exterior. El Ministerio del Comercio Exterior y la Inversión Extranjera cual es el organismo encargado de coordinar la ayuda internacional ya ha confirmado el recibo de la donación y también envía un agradecimiento por el gesto de solidaridad  ‘Reciban nuestro profundo agradecimiento por su solidario gesto’

Weʼre raising £1,000 to Havana tornado victims

Texto en español abajo ↓

havana tornado

Last January 27, Havana was hit by a powerful tornado rated F4 category. The tornado ripped through approximately 11.5 km in just 16 minutes, causing great destruction with winds of up to 322km/h.

So far 4 deaths have been reported, 195 injured, 12 seriously injured and 19 children have been hospitalized.

A total of 4,800 homes were affected, including 500 total collapses of houses and roofs. Also, 46 schools were damaged, as well as 21 nurseries, 2 sports centres, 2 student residences and a municipal council.

The maternity hospital of Diez de Octubre was also damaged, plus 4 polyclinics, a pharmacy and a nursing home.

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Cuban women in the struggle for liberation

mariela castro london adelante conference

Latin America Conference
December 1st 2018
Congress House

Seminar C4. Panel: ‘Advancing equality in Latin America: Winning the struggle for women’s liberation’

The struggle for women's liberation in Latin America is an integral part of the struggle for socialism and self-determination. In Cuba, women have been at the forefront of 60 years of revolution, whilst in Venezuela the changes since 1998 have seen a women's ministry and women's development bank created, transforming the lives of millions. Meanwhile, right-wing, Trump-supported governments in countries such as Brazil and Argentina have intensified attacks on women's rights and position in the economy and society. Come to hear first hand accounts and find out more.

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Cubans in the UK demand an end to the US blockade

 Letter to the Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

brusela Ecre
Foto: © Virgilio Ponce / JF - 13th Meeting of Cuban Residents in Europe, Brussels, October 2018

29 October 2018

The Rt. Hon Sir Alan Duncan MP
Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
King Charles Street
London SW1A 2AH

Dear Sir Alan Duncan MP

Subject: Cubans in the UK demand an end to the US blockade.

Once again, on 31 October this year, the Republic of Cuba will present the resolution: Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba to the United Nations’ General Assembly.

In 2017, the United States and Israel were the only countries to vote against the resolution, among the 193 UN member states. We thank the British government for voting against the US blockade that has caused countless economic and human damages for nearly 60 years – and we hope Britain continues to support the Cuban resolution.

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Nación y Emigración