The Cuban School of Arts

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Brighton Cuban Salsa Festival

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We aim to promote, expand, bring alive and celebrate the best of Cuban Arts and Culture worldwide

The CUBAN School of Arts (CSArts) was founded in London by Damarys Farres with the aim to promote and give full expression to Cuban Arts and Culture. Damarys is a Cuban Salsa champion and a qualified teacher.

We want to unify the most talented, independent Cuban artists in London and in the UK, strengthening their links between Cuban artists worldwide.

Our objectives

  • To create a solid basis for nurturing future generations interested in specialising in the legacy of Cuban-Arts;
  • To educate and inform about Cuba’s rich multicultural heritage;
  • To preserve Cuban and Afro-Cuban traditional dance forms;
  • To enhance and celebrate the best of Cuban arts, culture, education and entertainment traditions worldwide;
  • To provide quality, structured Cuban dance courses and high-calibre performances;
  • To promote Cuban Arts and Culture through performances, workshops, dance, music, language classes, seminars and a wide range of services.

Vision statement

Our ultimate goal is to spread and share our Cuban and Afro-Cuban rich culture and legacy within the UK, the Cuban community and the world. We hope to make a valuable contribution to Dance, Music and Cuban Arts in the UK, inspiring others irrespectively of their gender, age, political views, race, religion, or economic status. We wish to celebrate life, cultural awareness and social integration through culture, education and arts.

Work hard, live intensely!

Source: The CUBAN School of Arts

Embajada de Cuba en el Reino Unido

Nación y Emigración